

every morning, I wake up with a list of things I need to accomplish today.
every night I either go to bed disappoint that I didn’t meet my expectations or that I just fall asleep after taking my socks off. the lights on, still in my jeans. it’s so bad my mum is threatening to throw my bed out the window if it happen again… lol

there’s so many things to worry about each day, so many things to consider, and so many decisions to make. at some point, I start questioning my decisions, if they are wise, and if they are sensible. then I start questioning my logic. it’s like an endless loop sometimes. a lot of time, I find myself afraid to conclude. there’s of course clear cut cases, but there’s always decision on the thin line waiting to fall either left or right depending how I want to tip it over.

it’s so easy to complain when you are wo power. but when it’s given to you, until you fully understand and appreciate the responsibility. the power is just a 5 letter word.

if I have time for admin. I don’t have time for technical stuff and otherwise. really really annoying.

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