Category: Uncategorized

  • an inspiration

    this is definitely one of the most inspiring 86 seconds for quite a while. cook have definitely came a very long way, and it’s very obvious he have stepped up to be the ceo the company expect of him. i am definitely impressed at the way he present himself and the way he handle interview…

  • new iPhone leaked!

    oh wait. it’s a samsung. kthxbye.

  • QOTD

    “Nothing is good or bad but by comparison.” — Thomas Fuller

  • challenge

    sometimes i feel that someone up there have a point to prove, and today is definitely one day when they decided to prove many points one shot. it’s like going into a hiatus and then suddenly decide to prove the point and compensate for all the breaks. so here’s what happened today 1. The rain…

  • only way

    the only way to get many things done is to do one thing at a time. focus. sometimes i am feeling really really tired. but still, marching on.

  • whatever challenge this have become

    the number of people challenged is growing exponentially. I mean, 1 person doing it and later challenging 3 with people having challenge like 5 to 8 others!?! it’s getting out of hand. I have a good feeling the water wasted could really have help some else much much more. nope, there is more than enough…

  • lucy

    the trailer is perhaps the only thing u need to watch. it’s pretty much THE movie itself. sadly. i don’t know if it’s a classic or an action movie. never mind that the theory doesn’t make sense, but the plot is just horrible. yup, trying to deliver the message of greed and stupidity. but seriously,…

  • power

    power, responsibility and culture. they say with great power come an even greater responsibility. microsoft was a company i admired largely, until i found apple. although i cannot completely agreed with the way bill build microsoft, no one can deny him as one individual who bought technology forward. of course, again, until apple. i was…

  • august

    and maybe because it’s august. perhaps that why i got 8 points. next up, to get my Class 2A and 4! yup, collecting license is a new hobby. motorboat soon!

  • dreams

    not the dreams of your life but the dream you have when you were asleep. lately, i have been falling asleep at home unplanned. it’s like i reach home, empty my pockets, change in clothes, and i cannot remember whatever which happen next. Usually waking up 5 in the morning or shaken awake by my…