a teacher plays such an important life in their student, probably more than they would ever imagine.
i can still remember very clearly how those good teachers i have encountered have changed my life, and how i really hated those terrible uninspiring teachers.
it just struck me in today’s bike lesson. i grade every instructors on how they teach, how they communicate etc. i don’t care if they fail me if they are good and i really learnt something. it’s my first time under this instructor, and if there is personal training for motorbike, even at double the cost, i would say he is worth that every single cents. he is really good and passionate about his job as an instructor.
now i am really hoping i would get him again for my next lesson and in fact, all my remaining lessons. LOL.
some instructors are just shit. shit. they tell you your mistakes, and either expect you to go figure it out yourself or start playing a guessing game with you. then eventually that mistake becomes a habit, and it becomes such a bad habit you bring in on with you through the many lessons. until the right instructor comes by to correct you and guide you back to the correct path.
man! that sounds so much like life. hahaha.
oh, btw life, i am still looking for a mentor.