
disrupt (verb):
1. Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.
2. Drastically alter or destroy the structure of (something).

you need to disrupt a industry to beat an industry, and well hopefully monopolise it.
heck all the anti competition shit.

but disruption is getting harder.
people accept shit things, they just don’t know about that, because you simply need to add in some fanciful stuff and people cannot stop using it.
do something incredible, something really disruptive and new, but lack those fanciful stuff, or worse, the worse fancy things and people will probably jump boat really quickly.

Maps before iOS6 with Google Maps was shit. Locations were never accurate, and for the same name, we get different pins dropped at all over the country. Sometimes not even in our own country!
I like street view, but the speed to load it takes forever on 3G.

Map after iOS6 loads fast is beautiful and load really fast, but don’t show buildings or block numbers. It’s either accurate or nothing.
hhmm not sure if i really prefer it this way, but apple is disrupting maps. And it’s free!

Maps without ad.

I look forward to an improved Maps, but it can’t improve without data. So come on! Let’s just keep using Maps!
It will only get better!

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